We welcome everyone to our social media channels. We encourage fans to comment and contribute to the conversation. Most importantly, we want everyone to feel comfortable and enjoy our page and the information it can offer so we are asking all fans to abide by our policies:
- Profane language will be immediately deleted.
- Comments that are insulting, personal or slanderous will be immediately deleted.
- Comments that are off-topic from the link, post, update can be deleted.
- Comments that are opposing our viewpoint will NOT be deleted in the spirit of healthy debate. We ask that you disagree respectfully and with the facts.
- Any spamming to our page will be deleted and fan will be blocked.
- Those that violate our policies can be deleted or blocked from our fan page.
BBNC’s social media channels and pages are intended to serve as a mechanism for communication between the public and BBNC. All comments posted on BBNC’s social media channels will be monitored. BBNC reserves the right to remove comments or postings on the website or any social media channel that violate any applicable laws or the BBNC Social Media Channels Policy. Social media channels are private sites and the privacy terms of those channels apply. BBNC does not guarantee reliability and accuracy of any third-party links, and BBNC reserves the right to remove any conversation.